Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Resisting temptation

We Know well that the first place the devil battles to conquer is our mind, the devil knows that once he won our mind, he won our heart and conquered our life. He will use every tool in his possession to win this battle. Our mind is our authenticity, our Label, our Brand, our dreams, our self-esteem, and our wishes; all of this is brought to our hearts through our mind. We should not underestimate our enemy that is very astute, and persistent. He will try to find a way to our hearts using our minds. This process of the devil working in our mind is called temptation, it’s the effort he does to make us sin. Temptation is not sin unless we give in.

The Bible says in “Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full- grown, brings forth death.” James 1:15

The death the Bible talks about doesn’t mean to die physically, but spiritually dead, emotionally dead, financially dead, etc etc. Once the devil wins this battle in our mind, he has control of our life, and once he has control of our lives, he takes away the joy of life, takes our peace of mind, destroys our dreams, our self esteem and laughs at our face. Plays with our lives, lets us be happy for while, and when you think your free he takes you back to hurt, oppress and humiliate you.

How to win this battle?

Submitting yourself to God, to His will, to His word, to His Laws and resisting the temptations is the only way to win this battle. “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” James 4:7

I learnt this, and like to use it as an example to illustrate temptation and sin. Think of the door bell ringing as temptation, sin happens when you open the door. You cannot stop anyone from ringing your door bell, but you can choose not to open. It does bother, it is annoying because of the noise but it’s your choice to open the door and invite the person in. If you choose not to, the person on the other side will certainly give up and leave. We shouldn’t invite sin in, less even entertain it. Whenever the devil is ringing the door bell of your mind, choose not to open it, read the Bible, pray, worship.

Do not accept your mind to be the playground of the devil, “Put on the Full armor of God, so that you can take a stand against the devils scheme” Ephesians 6:11
Qoute:You can't keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can sure keep them from building a nest in your hair!

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